Rabu, 31 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
The most correct 'tashahod as conveyed to us by Ibn Masood from the sayings of the Prophet is the following :
"if any of you sit down for tasyahood in prayer, he should say these word :
"Greeting, prayers and favours to God Peace upon you O'Apostle, Mercy and blessings-peace upon us, and upon devout Servants of God (if so said, our Prophet, God blessed and offerred him mercy, explained it would include all the good servants in aheavens and earth) It testify that there is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the servant and Apostle of God".
The Apostle's venerable companion, besheer Ibn Saad, asked Prophet Muhammad " O Messenger of God, we have been ordered to offer you blessings in prayer, so will you Please teach us how is done? ". The prophet keep silent for a while than replied : "Say O our Mighty God pray for Muhammad and the Relatives of Muhammad as You prayd for Ibrahim, and offer blessings on Muhammad and kins of Muhammad, as You offered blessings on Ibrahim and kins of Ibrahim in bot Worlds, You are Most Gracious, Most Glorious".
By this the worshipper ends his prayer. Afterwards, he invokes God that he may bestow upon him favours in this world and in here after. Any (du'a) request for favour is permissible and likeable by the Lord at the conclusion of prayers provided it is free from illegal innovations and vice as advocated by the Holy Prophet.

Islam pervades the wole life of the community of its faithful followers and calls for unity. In Prayer, which is the back bone of the religion,Muslims all over the world times a day at the appointed hours and in uniform way. The prescribed group prayer intoduces a deep sense of unity and equality when all worshippers line up in united ranks side by side without discrimination. This will srengthen further the bonds of amity and brotherhood between them and uphold their common edifice.

Group prayers is encouraged by Islam for the following two reason :

First Reason :
The first benefit derived from group prayers is the multiplication of God's. This was confirmed by Sheikh Abu Hurairah (God blessed him) who related that our Apostle (peace be upon him) said : "Prayers of a man in a group is rewarded by 25 folds over his individual prayers in the house or the shop".
A wise intelligent man is always apt to seek profit from his business no matter how little, nothwithstanding this chance for such a great profit.
The prophet (peace be upon him) went on to say, "if a man properly made the ablution, and left his place with the intention of attending prayers at the mosque, he would recieve a reward for each step and a sin would he dropped from his account for each step. As soon as he stars praying, the Angels will pray for him, throughout the prayer ceremonies at the mosque (provided his ablution is not spoiled). if his ablution is spoiled after prayers, the Angels will pray to God to offer him blessings and mercy. See how happy this man is, to whom the Angels pray for his blessing and mercy.
He who waits in the mosque for prayers, will receive equal awards eligible for the prayers temselves throughout the time of waiting.
Great the award for worshippers who attend group prayers regularly at the mosque. The will be among these servants whom God promised to provide them with shelter under the aigis of His Mighty Throne.
This was confirmed by our Prophet (upon whom may be peace) in hadith.
Congratulation to such distinguished Muslims.

Senin, 22 Oktober 2007


In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
A genuine gerture of the true affictions for the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him), is marked by thec steadfast adherence to this traditions (the Sunna) and earnest action in accordance with the plan he drawn up for Muslims i the spheres of obedience and worship. The best way for the approach of God is the fulfilment of obligations unto the Lord by worshippers chief among which is prayer.
The prophet (God blessed and offered him Mercy) had clearly explained the right way for the performance of prayers. Ordering his people to follow his footsteps in this behalf, he said : "Pray exactly as I do". If we missed the honour of witnessing him praying, Leaders of Islam(Mercy be upon them) had already as explained by the companions so that we may follow the same way thoruoghly as it ought to be.
Abu Hurairah (God blessed him) narrated this story : Once the apostle entered the mosque, and a man entered after him, (and another source said that that the man inquestion who entered the mosque was a nomad) saluted the Apostle (God blessed and offered him Mercy) and started praying. The Prophet having observed his prayers, said " you tree times to the bedouin, who after 3 times repetition of prayers said to the Prophet " By he Who sent you in righteousness, I know no better, Please teach me". The man asked the full descriptions of the prayer.
Prophet (peace be upon him) said. :" when you do the ablution for prayers ensure that all limbs are properly washed, direct your face towards the sacred house, proclaim the call to prayer (Allah Akbar) (Known as "Takbirat al-Ihram " which is the call for prayers (God The Greatest). then recite some verses of the Holy Quran. i.e. Recite the Fatiha (the opening Chapter) and what you else know by heart from the book of God.
Another hadits was recorded as follow :
" if you desire to pray, do first the ablution most properly, face the Qibla, proclaim the call to prayer (Allahu Akbar), recite the Opening chapter of Qur'an, kneel down aesily to your best satis faction with ample time to mention at least once or thrice the praises and glory of God (Subhana Allah), than stand up right until you become straight, later prostate easily with enough time to repeat declaration of the praises and glory of God once or thrice. This is a practical and right way for all kinds of at prayers at any time whether it is obligatory prayers or a supererogatory one (Nafl). (Nafl is any additional prayers other than the obligatory Ones).
If a person is illiterate and knows nothing of the holy Quran, he should praise and glorify the Lord in his prayers as related by Rufa'a bin Rafi'i quoting the holy Prophet saying to a man :
"If you know anything of the Quran recite it, and if not praise God and glorify Him, than say for several times "ALLAHU AKBAR" and kneel down".
Nevertheless, it is our duty as Muslims to know by heart at least the "Opening Chapter" and a few short Suras of the Holy Quran to perform the prayers. It is also our duty to teach our childern both males and females some suras for prayers so that they may memorize them at an early age.
In a state of prostration, we must ensure that our foreheads, noses, hands, knees and top part of the feet are fully set down as prescribed to use by the Holy Prophet, upon whom may be peace, in the Hadits affirming that he was ordered to prostate with these organs on the ground.
After the first two bows the worshiper must sit down for a while, to read (by heart) "At-Tasyahod" no matter what the required number of bows is, then he gets up to continue the prayer and sit again at the final bow to readthe TASYAHOD once more together with the greetings of the Prophet, and declare salam praying ends.

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007




1 Syawal 1428 H

من العائدين والفائزين المقبولين

The day to Forgive and be Forgiven


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
There is no doubt that chief among the primaryduties required by a Muslim in his Faith is praters, since the kind of worship is the first act to be accounted for on the Day of Judgment. In this respect, the venerable comrade of the Prophet. Anas Inb Malik said that the number of prayers imposed by the Mighty God on our Apostle on the Night of Ascent to the sky were fifty, then gradually cut down to five prsyers when the Lord advised our Prophet to this effect : "O Muhammad My decision is unchangable. But I consider these Five Prayers as fifty and your reward shall accounted as such".
This certainly a favour bestowed by the Gracious Lord upon the Muslim Community, the followers of Muhammad (God blessed and gave him Mercy) from whom God accepted small good deeds and giveth them in return great credits.
The number of bows for each prayers is as follows :
  1. Morning Prayers (Subh) 2
  2. Noon Prayers (Zuhr) 4
  3. Afternoon Prayers ('Asr) 4
  4. Sun set Prayers (Maghrib) 3
  5. Evening Prayers (Isha') 4

The above are the obligatory prayers with number of bows for each. Other prayers volutarily done by a Muslim (as Nafl) are excessive for which he shall recieve credits from His Mighty God, or shall be considered as substitute for what he had wrongly done or missed in his main-ordered prayers.


On first bow (Raka) the Imam should recite the Sura "Alif Lam Miim" on Friday Morning Prayers (as known from Sunna) and hence shall prostate when he comes at this sign :

"Innama yu'minu bi ayaatinaa al-ladzina idzaa dzukiruu bihaa kharruu sujjadan"

Then to carry on the reading the rest of the Sura.

(Such falling down is not considered as an additional bow as wrongly believed by some people)

On the seccond bow (Raka) the Imam shall recite this Sura :

"Hal ataa 'ala al-insaani hiinun min ad-dahr"

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

A human being is liable sometimes to make mistakes, to forget and overlook things. Such mistakes may occur un intentionally as a result of forgetfulness or preoccupation in the requirements of life thus him to overlook his religious duties and the performance of prayers. One may over sleep him self, and when he awakes, he discovers that it too late for prayers because the time set for it has expired.
In such cases no blame is laid upon worshippers, for Islam is a religion of forgiveness, relief and graciousness.
In the event of unmindfulness or oversleeping, a person is permitted to hold prayer as soon as he recalls it or gets up from his sleep according to the traditions of the Holy Prophet who was quoted as related by Sheikh Anas Ibn Malik to have said : "He who forgets prayer may do it again when he remembers it, as no other atonement for it save that". This Hadits was also supported by El-Bukhari and Muslim (The Most famous and trustworthy Hadits writers). Another Hadits related by Ibn Qatada said that the companions of Muhammad, asked the Prophet (God blessed and offered him respect) to clarify this point, He answered : "It is not heedless in sleepliness that to be blamed for, but the negligence in awakeness, and if any one forgets to perform prayers or oversleeps himself at appoined time, he should pray as soon as he recalls it". This Hadits was endorsed by An-Nasai and Tirmizi (Famous Hadits Recorder).
Muslim should not make a habit of eversleeping at times of prayers, especially at times or evening and dawn may enlist doers in the ranks of heedless worshippers whom God condemned and warned. Listen to the following Sign of Holly Quran :
"Fa wailun lil mushalliin al ladziinahum 'an shalaatihim saahuun" (Surah Al-Maa'uun : 4-5)

Senin, 08 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful

The time of the prescribed Prayers were fixed by the Prophet (upon whom may be peace) with un mistakeable signs for each to make them easly known by every body. Sheikh Abdullah Ibn Umar (Hadits relater) quoted the Apostle of God (Allah blessed and gave Mercy) as having said:

"The time of the mid-day prayer start when tyhe sun is slightly overhead moving a little bit from the middle of the sky and when the shade of person becomes equal to his actual length. Time of after noon prayers begins after the expiration of Noon time prayers and ends when the sun look yellowish slightly before sun set. By sun set, time stars for sun-set prayers and conyinues until the evening twilight disappears. Evening prayers begins after the absence of Twilight and end by mid night, or slightly before the appearance of dawn. Prayers acceptable during this time although it may be necessarily performed any time after mid night is taboo.

The time of the early morning Prayers begins at dawn and continues untill little before sun-rise, but preference is given to earlier prayers to ensure the satisfaction of God.

Minggu, 07 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
Dear Muslim obeying God, Allah says in the Holy Qur'an addressing mankind who submit to his follow His order :
"Yaa banii Adam khudzuu ziinatakum 'inda kulli masjidin"
By decency it is meant the cover of genitals, the external sexual organs of the body. The Mosque signifies Prayers. The interpretation of this sign - O people cover your external sexual organs whwn you attend prayers and stand before God.
The Qur'anic directive makes the cover of genitals a condition for right prayers. A worshipper's prayers are un acceptable if his genitals are exposed without cover. Do the genital cover restrictions apply to both man and women alike and to the same extend?
The above sign of the Qur'an is directed to both sexes without distinction, although the genital restriction between male and female differ considerably. Whereas the cwhole body of a female needs to be covered especially in prayers with the exception of face and hands, the only parts of the man's body that ought to be covered are those located beween the navel and the knee.
Mothers of Believers (Um al-Muminin) Um Salma (God blessed her) had asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) whwter a woman could perform paryers in a gown and head cover without full dress? He replied : "Yes provided the garments covers the upper parts of the feet entirely".
As far as man is concerned, it is immaterial whwther he wear a head dress or not while performing prayers.
The turn the face towards "Qiblat" (1) is conditional for the maintenance of perfection i prayers as revealed in thi sign of the Holy Qura'an :
"fawalli wajhaka syatra al-masjidi al-haram wa haituma kuntum fa walluu wujuuhakum syathrah"
Therefore if the is in sacred Mosque he should turn his face properly toward the Holy Ka'bah, and never turn elesewhere, otherwhise, his prayers would not be accepted. The attention of pilgrims is particularly drawn to this point in allh kinds of prayers including The Five obligatory prayers and the voluntary ones.
Any negligence in the regard entails a spoil of the prayers and a losss of efforts expended in the ablution and other rites which precede the payers.
When a Muslim travelling in a desert or arriving in a non-Islamic Country where no Muazin (2) is available he should do his best to find out exact time or prayers at least the due time to his immense satisfaction, then he should start praying.

Kamis, 04 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
Dear Muslim in the World
To be fully prepared for prayers, a Muslim should keep his garments, body and place of worship pure and clean.
  1. (In Sign of Sura Al-Muddatsir) our God said : " Wa tsiyaabaka fathahhir" In the light of the obave sign, a worshipper should keep his garments clean and free from stain, for prayers are not accepted in stained dress no matter how little.
  2. Absolute cleanless of the body from any stain is essential, since it is an indecent and wrong practice for a woeshipper to stand before the Lord for Prayers in a filthy condition with stain in the body. Anas, God blessed him, reported that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upn him) said : " Avoid drops of urine as most of punishments in graves are from such faillures".
  3. Cleanless of place where prayers are performed is also necessary as prayers would not be accepted in stained or contamnated place. Abu Huraira (God blessed him) in the Hadits related the following incident in the respect : "Once a nomad from the desert passed urine in the mosque, The people attending prayers got hold of him to punish him. The prohet, (peace be upon him) was present, he ordered the people to release him and wash out the urine with a buket full of water.

The doctors of the Sharia Law have unanimously resolved that the cleanless of the body, the garments, and the place are essential and conditonal for perfect Prayers.

Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
In order to achieve proper ablution, one must first of all intend in his heart full desire to carry it out. Mention God and say "In the name of God, Most gracious, Most Merciful" than wash 3 times each of the following limbs -The Palm of the hand, mouth Nose (in and out 3 times) arms, (from wrst to elbow), a water rubbing to your head (by both hands) from font to back and vice versa, one time , your ears (with both index fingers inside the ear and with your both thumbs outside), and at last your feet to the ankles three times.
This is most perfect act of ablution carried out by prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. This sequence sholud be followed thoroughly wereby no organ is washed before the other, and now intermittent is permissible where upon some organs get dry before the procedure is completed, Allah says in Holy Qur'an :
"Yaa ayyuha al-lazina amanuu idza qumtum ilaa ash-shalati fa ghsiluu wujuuhakum wa aidiyakum ila al-maraafiqi wa msahuu bi ru'usikum wa arjulakum ila al-ka'bain".
According to the sayings of our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the virtues of ablution all sins of worshippers are washed out.
"When a servant start ablution, sins remove gradually from his limbs, from the moment he washes his mouth, nose, face, (includding eyes shutters) hands , (including nails of the hands) head, ears, and feet (incuding foot nails). Tan his attendance at the mosque and his performance of prayers becomes an excessive reward to him.
This saying of our prophet was related by Imam Malik, an-Nasai, Ibn Maga and al-Hakim.
(Famouse Hadits writers in Islam).
Do you want to get more info? please click Five Pillar of Islam

Selasa, 02 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
Dear Muslim in the World
If some one is invited by any sovereign of this world to a royal audience, what would he do? He would undoubtedly appear before His Majesty in the best shape and wear the best dress. How than if such a call is made to him by The King of all sovereigns Who is the Superior Devine of unexampelled grandeur to appear before Him five times a day? It is not his duty to appear before God in the best state of cleanliness and shape? For thts reason, Islam hasprescribed for cleanliness which precedes prayer the following :
  1. All marks of sceeting or urine should be thoroughly removed by water or stones, (or any other clean substance, other than bones or dirts of animals etc. or any writen paper).
  2. In case of a spermatize resulting from a man's sexual intercours with his wife, or from many other cause, a full bath and thorough washing to avery limb in his body is to be maintained before prayers.
  3. If no spermatize has taken place but a smell is pumped out of his body, or any substance seen coming out of his urine stream, or anus, or in the state of long sleep, or direct touch of penus or vagina nofull bath is necessary but ablution should be carried out before performing prayers.

In all afore said cases cleanless before prayers is essential and conditional. If any body performed prayers without a bath in the case of spermatize or without washing if ablution is required will not be accepted. He should take a bath and wash whwnever necessary. Allah says in Holy Quran :

"wa inkuntum junuban faththoharuu"

The Pophet said : " God accept no prayer from any of you smelling out unless ablution is carried out."

Senin, 01 Oktober 2007


In The Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
The position of prayer is very prominent and unequalled by any act of other worships. It is basic feuture of the faith and the pillar upholding it. It is like a pole of a tent without which it can not stand straight, and so is Islam which can not be st up without prayers.
It is the first duty impossed by God upon mankind after belief in the oness of God. Prayers are also the first act to be accounted for on the Day of Judgement among other deeds carried out by the servants of Allah. The Holy Prophet, upon whom may be peace, said : " Should a human being prayers be marked as perfect, all his other deeds will win the satisfation of the Mercy Lord. This was last advice given by our prophet to Muslims before the passed away.
The following is the final advice directed to Muslims by our prophet at the very moment when he was passing away (as related by At Tabarani).
Advising to be hold prayers, in peace, during sickness, or even when Muslims are faceattacking enemies. Be keen on your prayers to your utmost extent'.
In this respect let us hear what our Mighty Lord says in these Signs :
" Hafidzuu 'ala ash-sholatwati wa ash-sholati al-wustha wa qumuu lillahi qaanitiin"
" fakhalafa min ba'dihim khalfun adha'uu ash-sholaata wa atba'uu asy-syahawati fasaufa yalqauna ghayyan ".
" fa wailun lul musholliin al-lazina hum 'an sholatihim saahuun".

Minggu, 30 September 2007


Prayer should be performed promptly, perfectly, sincerely, and regularly at the appointed hour by a muslim who has to keep it up under all conditions, even at times of travelling and sickness it must be observed with full humility. In this sense, the Holy Qr'an says :
<<Inna ash-shalata kanat 'ala al-mukminina kitaban mauquta>>
Let us also listen our prophet's advice :
"God has ordered us to observe prayers five time at day and night. He hwo keep them up at the appointed times they will act as light, evidence, and a salvation at the day of judgement. The other who negelects them shall miss light, evidence and salvation and shall be on the Day of Resurrection with goup of Pharao, Haman, Karoon, Ibn Khalaf i.e with the group of non-believers (Kafireen) in Hell...
The warning is suffice to prompt us to observe prayer steadfastly and to give it up under any circumstances.


In The Name of Allah the Compassionable The Merciful
No building have ever stood high and tright unless it is based on concrete foundation and supported by strong pillars which protect it from falling apart. Islam is that strongly based edifice and true faith wich our God has prescribed and chosen as a religion for his worshippers, and perfected for mankind at large.
This is clearly indicated in the verse : (Al-Maidah : 5) " Al-yauma akmaltu lakum dienakum wa atmamtu 'alaikum ni'maty wa radhitu lakum al-Islama dinan).
The First Pillar of Islam consist of repeating the basic formula, which a euphonious utterance of :
This means that All kinds of worship should be devoted entirely to Allah alone with utmost sincerity. It is also an earnest confirmation of the massage by solemn beliefe that Muhammad is His Messenger for mankind at large as prescribed in this sign :
" Qul ya ayyuha an-nas inny rasulullah ilaikum jami'an"
Your love to your Prophet Muhammad should bu much more than the love of your effectionate father and your own sons to you. The Prophet was quoted as having said : " High state of faithfulness cannot be attained, unless I be, to one of you. More beloved to him than his son, father and all peoples".
It is our duty to obey the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, in all affairs and to follow his directives by avoiding all what he withheld in compilance with the orders in the sign of the Scripture.
"Wama atakum ar-Rasul fa khudzuhu wa ma nahakum anhu fantahu" Al-Qur'an
We should fervently believe that Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets and Apostles of God and no other Messenger will ever succed him.
This is supported by the following Sign of the Holy Qur'an : "Ma kana Muhammadun aba ahadin min rijalikum wa lakin rasulullahi wa khatama an-nabiyyin"


In The Name of Allah The Commpassionate The Merciful
The Five Pillar of Islam
  1. Euphonion utterance of the basic formula of the faith "There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of God".
  2. Perfomance of the Prayers
  3. Payment of the Zakah. (Obligatory alms).
  4. Fasting Ramadlan.
  5. Pilgrimage to the sacred House (MECCA) for those who have the means to perform it.

Rabu, 26 September 2007




In the Name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful



Taha Jabir Al-Alwany said : "The science of source methodology in Islamic jurisprudence (ushul fiqh) has been defined as aggregate, concidered per se, of legal proof and efidence that, whwn study properly, will lead either to certain knowledge of a Syari'ah ruling or to at least a reasonable assumption concerning the same, the manner by which such proofs are adduced, and the status of the adducer".


The science of ushul fiqh engenders the ability to have knowledge of Syari'ah ruling through study, on the part of those qualified to perform ijtihad and who meet all its requirement, of the legal proofs revealed in the sources by the law giver.

The benefit to be had from this science to those not qualified to perform ijtihad is that, through their study of the calssical schools of legal thought (mazahib: sing : mazhab) of the mujtahiduun (those hwo practice ijtihad) and reasoning behind their ruling, the student of source methodology in Islamic jurisprudence is enabled to understand the various school of thought, to analyze them, to choose from among their interpretation and assign preference, and to adduce legal arguments on the basis of the principles fomulated by the classical mujtahidin.

Selasa, 25 September 2007

10 Ushul Fiqh Edition : Intoduction

Ushul Fiqh


In The Name Of Allah Te Compassionate, The Merciful

Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Universe.

And Peace and Prayers be upon His Final Prophet and Messenger

And say : My Lord ! Cause me to grow in knowledge." Amien..!

Taha Jabir Al-Alwany said :"The science of ushul fiqh is rightly considered to be the most important method of research ever devised by Islamic Thought. Indeed, as the solid fondation upon which all the Islamic disciplines are based, ushul al-fiqh not only benefit Islamic civilization but contributed to the intelectual enrichment of world civilization as a whole. It not be out of place to note here that the methods of analogical reasoning developed within the framework of Islamic jurisprudence constituted the methodological starting point for the establishment and construction of empiricism, which in turn is considered to be the basis of contemporary civilization".

We ask Allah Subhanahu Wata'ala to help us and protect us from knowledge that is not beneficial, and from deeds that are not acceptable to Him. All praise and thankgiving belong to him, the Lord and Sustainer of All worlds!

Source :
Taha Jabir Al-Alwany : Source Methodology in Islamic Jurisprudence.

Senin, 24 September 2007


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Pada bulan Ramdhan Allah SWT menurunkan Al-Qur'an
Pada bulan Ramadhan ada malam lailatul qadr
Malam yang lebih bagus di banding seribu bulan
Pada malam lailatul Qadr
Turunlah para Malaikat-Malaikat Allah
Barang siapa yang sempat beribadah pada malam Lailatul Qadr
Maka akan dilipatgandakan pahalanya
Sebanding dengan beribadah seribu bulan
Marilah kita semua memperbanyak doa pada bulan Ramadhan
Bulan yang penuh dengan ampunan dan rahmat
Bulan pengembalian kemanusiaan pada posisinnya yang benar
Bulan kembalinya perasaan manusia yang telah lama menghilang
Bulan pelurusan tujuan hidup
Bulan ketulusan
Bulan ampunan
Bulan berkah

Minggu, 23 September 2007


Pada saat puasa ramadlan kita akan mencapai derajat ketaqwaan, dengan catatan bahwa puasa kita ihlas karena Allah SWT. Bukan karena unsur-unsur yang lain, dalam hal ini Toto Tasmara dalam bukunya KECERDASAN SPIRITUAL, Menjelaskan mengenai tanda-tanda orang yang bertaqwa :
  1. Memiliki Visi
  2. Menghadirkan Allah kedalam hatinya
  3. Berzikir dan Berdoa
  4. Memiliki Kesabaran
  5. Cenderung kepada kebaikan
  6. Memiliki Emphaty
  7. Berjiwa Besar
  8. Melayani dengan ihlas.

Kamis, 20 September 2007


Manusia perlu banyak belajar
Belajar beribadah seumur hidup
Orang yang sudah dianggap suci belum tentu cara shalatnya sudah benar
Barangkali ada bacaan sholat yang belum sempurna
Maka dengan belajar akan menjadi lebih sempurna
Begitu juga persoalan hidup
Kita harus tetap selalu belajar dan belajar terus
Confucius berkata:
Learning is like rowing against the current
as soon as you stop
you are swipt back