In the Name of Allah the Compassionate, the Merciful
Taha Jabir Al-Alwany said : "The science of source methodology in Islamic jurisprudence (ushul fiqh) has been defined as aggregate, concidered per se, of legal proof and efidence that, whwn study properly, will lead either to certain knowledge of a Syari'ah ruling or to at least a reasonable assumption concerning the same, the manner by which such proofs are adduced, and the status of the adducer".
The science of ushul fiqh engenders the ability to have knowledge of Syari'ah ruling through study, on the part of those qualified to perform ijtihad and who meet all its requirement, of the legal proofs revealed in the sources by the law giver.
The benefit to be had from this science to those not qualified to perform ijtihad is that, through their study of the calssical schools of legal thought (mazahib: sing : mazhab) of the mujtahiduun (those hwo practice ijtihad) and reasoning behind their ruling, the student of source methodology in Islamic jurisprudence is enabled to understand the various school of thought, to analyze them, to choose from among their interpretation and assign preference, and to adduce legal arguments on the basis of the principles fomulated by the classical mujtahidin.
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