In The Name of Allah the Compassionable The Merciful
No building have ever stood high and tright unless it is based on concrete foundation and supported by strong pillars which protect it from falling apart. Islam is that strongly based edifice and true faith wich our God has prescribed and chosen as a religion for his worshippers, and perfected for mankind at large.
This is clearly indicated in the verse : (Al-Maidah : 5) " Al-yauma akmaltu lakum dienakum wa atmamtu 'alaikum ni'maty wa radhitu lakum al-Islama dinan).
The First Pillar of Islam consist of repeating the basic formula, which a euphonious utterance of :
This means that All kinds of worship should be devoted entirely to Allah alone with utmost sincerity. It is also an earnest confirmation of the massage by solemn beliefe that Muhammad is His Messenger for mankind at large as prescribed in this sign :
" Qul ya ayyuha an-nas inny rasulullah ilaikum jami'an"
Your love to your Prophet Muhammad should bu much more than the love of your effectionate father and your own sons to you. The Prophet was quoted as having said : " High state of faithfulness cannot be attained, unless I be, to one of you. More beloved to him than his son, father and all peoples".
It is our duty to obey the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, in all affairs and to follow his directives by avoiding all what he withheld in compilance with the orders in the sign of the Scripture.
"Wama atakum ar-Rasul fa khudzuhu wa ma nahakum anhu fantahu" Al-Qur'an
We should fervently believe that Muhammad is the seal of the Prophets and Apostles of God and no other Messenger will ever succed him.
This is supported by the following Sign of the Holy Qur'an : "Ma kana Muhammadun aba ahadin min rijalikum wa lakin rasulullahi wa khatama an-nabiyyin"
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