Rabu, 03 Oktober 2007


In the Name of Allah the Compassionate the Merciful
In order to achieve proper ablution, one must first of all intend in his heart full desire to carry it out. Mention God and say "In the name of God, Most gracious, Most Merciful" than wash 3 times each of the following limbs -The Palm of the hand, mouth Nose (in and out 3 times) arms, (from wrst to elbow), a water rubbing to your head (by both hands) from font to back and vice versa, one time , your ears (with both index fingers inside the ear and with your both thumbs outside), and at last your feet to the ankles three times.
This is most perfect act of ablution carried out by prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him. This sequence sholud be followed thoroughly wereby no organ is washed before the other, and now intermittent is permissible where upon some organs get dry before the procedure is completed, Allah says in Holy Qur'an :
"Yaa ayyuha al-lazina amanuu idza qumtum ilaa ash-shalati fa ghsiluu wujuuhakum wa aidiyakum ila al-maraafiqi wa msahuu bi ru'usikum wa arjulakum ila al-ka'bain".
According to the sayings of our prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the virtues of ablution all sins of worshippers are washed out.
"When a servant start ablution, sins remove gradually from his limbs, from the moment he washes his mouth, nose, face, (includding eyes shutters) hands , (including nails of the hands) head, ears, and feet (incuding foot nails). Tan his attendance at the mosque and his performance of prayers becomes an excessive reward to him.
This saying of our prophet was related by Imam Malik, an-Nasai, Ibn Maga and al-Hakim.
(Famouse Hadits writers in Islam).
Do you want to get more info? please click Five Pillar of Islam

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