Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

76 Sukarno Hata

Kamis, 29 Oktober 2009


Islam is concerned with the dignity of the believer in his life as well as his death.
Let us listen to what our Mighty God said:

" Walaqad karramna bany Adama wa hamalnahum fi al-barri wa al-bahri, wa razaqnahum min Athayyibat wa fadhdhalnahum 'ala katsirin mimman khalaqna tafsila".

To honour a dead Muslim, Islam decreed that the deceased should be thouroughly washed by Muslims, wrapped in a coffin, carried on the shoulders, prayed upon and buried. By his burial, the relationship between him and the world of the alive ends to meet the gracious God to account for his deeds snd to recieve mercy and forgiveness for great sins from his Lord.

The Funeral Prayer is performed as follow:

Worshippers should line up preferably in three row with the Imam in the lead: glorify God 4 times, after the first glorification: recite the opening Chapter (fatiha), in the second, invoke God to bestow blessings on the Prophet similar to that type of blessings they usually utter on the last Tashahud. After the third glorification they utter this call (du'a):

"O Mighty God, forgive us all, alive and dead, Those who are present, and those who are absent, mates and females. Grant us all young and old decent life on the moral of Islam and sunna and so let our end be. Our Lord ! blotout his sins, award him forgiveness and have mercy on him, let his room be wide, have his body washed with water, ice and hail, have his sins and errors wiped out as a white cloth cleaned from all dirts, give him a better home than his, better relatives, and a better wifw, admit him in your garden, excuse him from punishment at his grave and from the torment of fire".

At the glorification hey greet to end the prayer.
If dead is a miror, the worshippers will utter (The some previous Du'a adding after the phrase "and so let our end be') the following : Our Lord make this child a provision for his parrents, a big credit, and acceptable re deemer for them, a heavy weight when measuring their good deeds so that they may recieve greater reward, enlist him in the ranks of pioneer Believers under Ibrahim's hail, and protect him under Your Mercy from torment of fire".

Finally, the woeshippers end the Funeral Prayer by one salutation only (salam) on the right hand side.

Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009


Like the Friday Prayers, the Eid Prayer consists of two bows with an ordained sunna that the worshpper is required to glorify God seven before reding the Opening Chapter (Fatiha) on the first Raka'ai, and 5 times with hands up every glorification. It was seccond bow when he goes up from his sdorstion. It was reported y Abu Dawud that The Apostle (pece be upon him) said:
"The Gorification of Eid Al-Fitr should be repeated seven times on the first bow and five on the other followed by reding in each".
No other sunna prayers were cnfirmed to heve been performed by the Prophet neither berfore nor after the Eid Prayers.
Ibn Abbas (God Blessed him) said that the Apostle (peace be upon him) left the Mosque on a feast day after praying two Rakas only and nothing else neither before nor after them.
It is also ordinered as Sunna that Imam should deliver two sermons like the friday Khutbah, but after prayers of said that the Prophet used to address worshippers while sitting the down in rows and to give them advice and guidance after the Eid Prayers.

Selasa, 21 April 2009



We have already explained in previous chapter the concern of Islam over Group Prayers and the golden opportunities provided for Muslims to meet daily and weekly in order to maintain solidarity and cooperation and to draw a lesson from the concept of standing before God in such united ranks for the achievement of full unity and combination of efforts in thought and action.

In addition to daily and weekly meetings, Islam has arranged two annual assemblies for believers to express their delight and pleasure, and to praise the Lord for his thank-givings and the succes achieved in following His precepts in the field of obeyance and worship. The first assembly is held on Eid El-Fitr at the conclusion of the Fast of the Holymonth of Ramadhan. Its celebration in assembly is much greater than that usually held in Mosques. This meeting is supposed to be held in an open country such as the desert to handle a large multitude of people, men, lads, maids and women. Even women in a state of physical impurity may attend the festival and witness Prayers only, provided they stay aside from Prayer ceremonies.

Reported by Um Atia (God bless her) and Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim. In behalf Allah Said:

Wa litukmilu al-'iddata wa litukabbiru Allah 'ala maa hadaakum wa la'allakum tasykurun.

The second annual assembly is held on Eid El-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) in the same ceremonial way as that of Eid El-Fitr, but in view of the Pilgrimage, the pilgrim may be preoccupied in devotion affairs.

Kamis, 16 April 2009


The Bandara Etalase

Choose The Hotel Room

This is The Hotel Lunch Menu

Let's Go Recreation together to Jakarta Indonesia

Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


In Thr Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Islam is religion of forgivness, graciousness and simplicity free from any implications. Our Mighty GOd said:
"wama ja'ala alaikum fi ad-din min haraj"
Our Prophet said: "I have been sent forth with a true religion of forgiveness".
As an iindication or simplicity and relief of burdens. Islam allows a sickman to pray at case within his capability. A physically handicapped person can pray while setting or laying down on the side with slight bowing and protration making the latter lower than the former.
The Eminent Companion Omer Ibn Hassan (God blessed him) related that he was once suffering from piles and asked the Apostle how could the prayers be performed? The Prophet (peace upoon him) said:"Stand up and do it, if you cannot, sit down, or lie on side and do it". do it while in bed laying on your back".
Allah said in the Holly Qur'an :
"la yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wus'aha "
If this is applicable to the Ordered Prayers, it is also permissible in the supererogatory prayers.
Ali Ibn Abi Thalib (God Blessed him) reported that the holly Prophet (peace be upon him) was quoted as having said:"If you fail try on one side". and in this respect An-Nasai added, "if you are unable to prostate make the sign of adoration by head provided it is lower than the kneeling. If unable sit down and pray, if note on the right side facing Qibla, and if unable again you may lie on bed with your legs stretched towards Qibla. (Reported by Ad-Daruquthny).

Kamis, 22 Januari 2009


The Taraweh Prayer is decreed Sunna in Ramadan perfomed by Muslims either in group at mosques or individually at home after the evening prayers (Isha) to spend part of the night in worship. It can be perfomed at anytime of the night since it is regarded as part of The Night Prayers which begin after the Isha Prayer and run up throughout the night with no appointed time

In Connection with the number of its bows, Um el-Mu'minin Aisha ( God Bless her) reported that the Apostle had never perfomed any night prayer with bows exeeeding 11 in Ramadan or any other time of the year.

It was also related that worshippers during the time of the Rashideen Calliphs Omar Ben Al-Khattab, Othman and Ali (God Blessed them) used to perform a twenty bow prayer.

Rabu, 21 Januari 2009


In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull


Do yuo know Wijaya Kusuma Flower? You can see Wijaya Kusuma Flower In Indonesia, and you can see it just in the middle night at 12 pm.


Imam Ahmad and other versedmen of the sunna reported that El Hassan Ibn Ali (God blessed them) said : " The massanger of God (peace be upon him) had taught me some words of prayer to say at the Witr "O my Lord guide me among Your best guided men, grant me good health as you granted others, protect me together with those You provided support, bless my giving, and save me from malicious fate as You decree all judgement. O my Lord those whom You glorified will nwver bee humiliated and those whom You proclamed as hostile will never be dignited. You are our Supreme Devine Lord. May Allah bestow His blessings and Mercy upon Prophet Muhammad".

Worshiper may pray for anything they like in the Kunoot call for request.

The Position at which the devotion call for request can be said is either before kneeling down. Or after getting up from the bow as advised by well versed jurist. Replying to a question, some ancient doctors of the Syaria Law said it could be done before or after the bowing.


In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
We hope to Allah, can make the World peacefully