Selasa, 17 Februari 2009


In Thr Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Islam is religion of forgivness, graciousness and simplicity free from any implications. Our Mighty GOd said:
"wama ja'ala alaikum fi ad-din min haraj"
Our Prophet said: "I have been sent forth with a true religion of forgiveness".
As an iindication or simplicity and relief of burdens. Islam allows a sickman to pray at case within his capability. A physically handicapped person can pray while setting or laying down on the side with slight bowing and protration making the latter lower than the former.
The Eminent Companion Omer Ibn Hassan (God blessed him) related that he was once suffering from piles and asked the Apostle how could the prayers be performed? The Prophet (peace upoon him) said:"Stand up and do it, if you cannot, sit down, or lie on side and do it". do it while in bed laying on your back".
Allah said in the Holly Qur'an :
"la yukallifu Allahu nafsan illa wus'aha "
If this is applicable to the Ordered Prayers, it is also permissible in the supererogatory prayers.
Ali Ibn Abi Thalib (God Blessed him) reported that the holly Prophet (peace be upon him) was quoted as having said:"If you fail try on one side". and in this respect An-Nasai added, "if you are unable to prostate make the sign of adoration by head provided it is lower than the kneeling. If unable sit down and pray, if note on the right side facing Qibla, and if unable again you may lie on bed with your legs stretched towards Qibla. (Reported by Ad-Daruquthny).

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