We have already explained in previous chapter the concern of Islam over Group Prayers and the golden opportunities provided for Muslims to meet daily and weekly in order to maintain solidarity and cooperation and to draw a lesson from the concept of standing before God in such united ranks for the achievement of full unity and combination of efforts in thought and action.
In addition to daily and weekly meetings, Islam has arranged two annual assemblies for believers to express their delight and pleasure, and to praise the Lord for his thank-givings and the succes achieved in following His precepts in the field of obeyance and worship. The first assembly is held on Eid El-Fitr at the conclusion of the Fast of the Holymonth of Ramadhan. Its celebration in assembly is much greater than that usually held in Mosques. This meeting is supposed to be held in an open country such as the desert to handle a large multitude of people, men, lads, maids and women. Even women in a state of physical impurity may attend the festival and witness Prayers only, provided they stay aside from Prayer ceremonies.
Reported by Um Atia (God bless her) and Recorded by al-Bukhari and Muslim. In behalf Allah Said:
Wa litukmilu al-'iddata wa litukabbiru Allah 'ala maa hadaakum wa la'allakum tasykurun.
The second annual assembly is held on Eid El-Adha (Feast of the Sacrifice) in the same ceremonial way as that of Eid El-Fitr, but in view of the Pilgrimage, the pilgrim may be preoccupied in devotion affairs.
Learning is Like Rowing against The Current, as Soon as You Stop, You are Swept Back. Confucius