Senin, 25 Februari 2008


Ngoho Valley In Semarang Indonesia

In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Whereas the ensuing benefits of the Muslim attending the Friday congregation are to hear the speech and to follow with interest the advices and lessons addressed to him therein, Islam has banned personal conversations causing disturbance to others listening to the speech the Imam carries out the sermon.
It was related that Ibn Abass (God Blessed him) reported that the Messenger of God said:
"He who chats while the Imam delivered his speech is like a donkey carriying tomes! and he who asks hhis neighbour (while the Imam preaches) to listen to the speech will miss Friday credit." (incomplete Friday Prayer Reward).
Abdullah Ibn Umar (God Blessed him) comfirmed a further Hadits by the Prophet (upon whom may be peace) saying :
"Three categories of man usually attend the friday Prayer : The first group consisting of those who keep talking nonsense and so shall they reap, the second comprissing those who keep praying for favours from God while the Imam is delivering his speech that shall be subject to God's will to answer their calls or not, and the third group composing of those who keep paying full attention and sillence and who never overstep a Muslim's neck or harm anybody and that shall be an expiation for their Sins untuil next Friday plus a three day reward, expiation of Sins for ten day. This is in compiliance with this Sign of The Holly Qur'an :
"Man jaa bi al-hasanati falahu 'asyru amtsaliha"
Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawood (God blessed them) with good attribution.
Posted by Ichsanuddin Kusumadi the writer of 99 Quantum Working

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