It was reported that the apostle said:
"Witr can be done in 13, 11, 9, 7, 5, 3, or one bow but preferably 3 rakas at least, with two greetings (salam). It may also be performed in twos with salutations at the close of every couple of bows followed by one kneeling down at the end, the reading of the tasyahud) and finally the salam. it is advisable to carry out the prescribed acts in praying the witr, without sticking to any particular sect (Mazhab) of the four great Schools as each of them sought the right system of the Sunna of our holy Apostle (peace be upon him) from which the true enlightenment emananted for all members of the body of Islam without discrimination. We should follow the Sunnah without any bias or partiallity towards any segment, for religious schisms are the source of major sins, Allah has condemn the ancient nations for schisms in this sign
Kamis, 18 Desember 2008
Minggu, 23 November 2008
Barrack Obama
Good luck, I am very happy because you can win the American Ellection, i hope you can bring the world peacefully.
excause me, and i remember the peace slogan "Say no to racism".
Best regard:
Ichsanuddin Kusumadi
from Indonesia
Barrack Obama
Good luck, I am very happy because you can win the American Ellection, i hope you can bring the world peacefully.
excause me, and i remember the peace slogan "Say no to racism".
Best regard:
Ichsanuddin Kusumadi
from Indonesia
60. WITIR PRAYERS (part 1)
Witir prayer is one of the supererogatories which the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, had parctised and ebcouraged us to do.
It was reported by Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib (God Blessed him) that the witir was not obligatory though it was observed by the holy Apostle who said :"O people of the Qur'an observed the witir, as God Witir beloving the Witir".
The appoined time for Witir prayers start from shortly after the evening prayers and runs up to the break of down as defined by the Prophet, pece be upom him, who said: "Perform the witir prayers beween the evening and dawn prayers".
To be on the safe side, it would be better to perform the witir prayers early night to avoid oversleeping although it is much preferable to pospone it until after midnight, in complience with the Hadits related by Gabir (God blessed him) that the apostle said :" He who doubts to get up late by night may do the witir earlier at night, and he who certain to get up late is all the best, as prayers at a leater time of night are attended by angels". (Recorded by Muslim and Tirmizi).
It was reported by Imam Ali bin Abi Thalib (God Blessed him) that the witir was not obligatory though it was observed by the holy Apostle who said :"O people of the Qur'an observed the witir, as God Witir beloving the Witir".
The appoined time for Witir prayers start from shortly after the evening prayers and runs up to the break of down as defined by the Prophet, pece be upom him, who said: "Perform the witir prayers beween the evening and dawn prayers".
To be on the safe side, it would be better to perform the witir prayers early night to avoid oversleeping although it is much preferable to pospone it until after midnight, in complience with the Hadits related by Gabir (God blessed him) that the apostle said :" He who doubts to get up late by night may do the witir earlier at night, and he who certain to get up late is all the best, as prayers at a leater time of night are attended by angels". (Recorded by Muslim and Tirmizi).
Selasa, 11 November 2008
There are other supererogatory Prayers (Nawafil) which are observed voluntary by muslim without any obligations in line with precribed Traditions of the Prophet. These are signified as (sunna not Muakkada = Sunnah nmot Muakkada is unstressed Tradition carried out by the Holy Prophet, but left entirely as a voluntary act), such Nawafil include two or four bows of prayer early in the afternoon and two bow prayer before sun-set, Muhammad (peace be upon him), said :"Pray before sun-set, pray before sun-set, pray before sun-set as voluntarily for he who so wishes it". (Drawing the attention of Muslims not to consider it as a binding Sunnah).
A two bow prayer in the evening is also a Nafl in accordance with the abovementioned Traditions. The apostle said : "Between every two calls for prayer, there is a nafl".
The most preferable Sunna Prayer is that done at home, as explained by the Prophet, "The Supererogatory prayer of a man at his house is a light to any desiring to illuminate his home". In another Hadits, he was reperted as having said :"Make use some of your prayers at home otherwise, they will look like graves".
A two bow prayer in the evening is also a Nafl in accordance with the abovementioned Traditions. The apostle said : "Between every two calls for prayer, there is a nafl".
The most preferable Sunna Prayer is that done at home, as explained by the Prophet, "The Supererogatory prayer of a man at his house is a light to any desiring to illuminate his home". In another Hadits, he was reperted as having said :"Make use some of your prayers at home otherwise, they will look like graves".
Minggu, 19 Oktober 2008
Dear devout Muslim snd devoting himself to the worship of God, Islam has provided many opportunities for you to be so close to the Losrd in addition to the numerous chances made available for you to do good, in order to be rewarded for all your deeds like other venerable pious and virtuous worshippers. you do small good deeds and reveive great rewards from God in return.
In addition to the obligatory worship, Islam has prescribed some supererogatory (Nafl) worship attached to each of the main obligations of the members of the faith unto their Lord to redress any shortcomings and to cover any failure in carrying out the cbigatory duties by the servants of God seeking His rewards and peasure.
Bedides the decreed prayers for example Nafl Prayers are also required as defined and explained by The Syari'a Code which urged Muslims to observe steadfastly to the extend that if one fails to perform them on time is obliged to do them again some other time. The number of bows of these Prayers are fully prescribed. They are known are Definite Sunna. (Definite Sunna: an act habitually carried out by Prophet).
The wife of Prophet, (Um al-Mukminiin: Mother of Believers, a title given to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Um Habiba, (God belssed her) reported that the Apostle (pace be upon him) said :"He who performs 12 bows of Prayers in one day and night, (4 at noon, 2 later, 2 after sun-set, 2 in the evening, and 2 before dawn), a home will be build for him in paradise".
These are the confirned Sunna acts carried out by the Apostlle Muhammad (peace b upon him) as realated by Abi Huraira (God blessed him) said: "He who failed to perform the two- Sunnah bow of of dawn prayer before sun rise, has to do it some other time". (Recorded by Baihaqi).
Um El Mukminiin Aisha (God blessed her) reported that thae Messenger of God (peace be upon him) had been very keen and more perservant on the two bow prayer before dawn than any other supererogatory prayers -the Nafls. (Related by Bukhari and Muslim).
Concerning the Sunna or Nafl of Fiday, Muslim reported that the Prophet said:" He already performed the Fiday Prayers should observe a four-bow prayer after wards".
It was also reported that the Apostle (peace be upon him) perforned a two bow prayer at home after the Friday prayers.
Binding between the two Hadithes, well versed jurists ruled that if carried out at a mosque four bow prayer is required, and if at home two only.
To be continued............
In addition to the obligatory worship, Islam has prescribed some supererogatory (Nafl) worship attached to each of the main obligations of the members of the faith unto their Lord to redress any shortcomings and to cover any failure in carrying out the cbigatory duties by the servants of God seeking His rewards and peasure.
Bedides the decreed prayers for example Nafl Prayers are also required as defined and explained by The Syari'a Code which urged Muslims to observe steadfastly to the extend that if one fails to perform them on time is obliged to do them again some other time. The number of bows of these Prayers are fully prescribed. They are known are Definite Sunna. (Definite Sunna: an act habitually carried out by Prophet).
The wife of Prophet, (Um al-Mukminiin: Mother of Believers, a title given to the wives of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Um Habiba, (God belssed her) reported that the Apostle (pace be upon him) said :"He who performs 12 bows of Prayers in one day and night, (4 at noon, 2 later, 2 after sun-set, 2 in the evening, and 2 before dawn), a home will be build for him in paradise".
These are the confirned Sunna acts carried out by the Apostlle Muhammad (peace b upon him) as realated by Abi Huraira (God blessed him) said: "He who failed to perform the two- Sunnah bow of of dawn prayer before sun rise, has to do it some other time". (Recorded by Baihaqi).
Um El Mukminiin Aisha (God blessed her) reported that thae Messenger of God (peace be upon him) had been very keen and more perservant on the two bow prayer before dawn than any other supererogatory prayers -the Nafls. (Related by Bukhari and Muslim).
Concerning the Sunna or Nafl of Fiday, Muslim reported that the Prophet said:" He already performed the Fiday Prayers should observe a four-bow prayer after wards".
It was also reported that the Apostle (peace be upon him) perforned a two bow prayer at home after the Friday prayers.
Binding between the two Hadithes, well versed jurists ruled that if carried out at a mosque four bow prayer is required, and if at home two only.
To be continued............
Selasa, 23 September 2008
Rabu, 17 September 2008
Very happy if we have a blog or web is clikced or opened with a lot of human.
After I read one of the article from, because this article is important I must write this artcle again, this is the 5 tips :
After I read one of the article from, because this article is important I must write this artcle again, this is the 5 tips :
- Write a lot of article, remember article is our asset, if have a lot of usseful article we will get earning
- Make the usefull and important article
- Promote your blog, make blog is like bussiness
- Join the success affiliation
- Make a link with googlw machine.
Selamat Berpuasa
Bulan suci ramadhan adalah bulan yang awalnya penuh dengan Rahmat Allah, tengahnya penuh dengan ampunan Allah, dan bagian akhirnya diselamatkan dari api neraka.
Kalau memang demikian kenapa juga msih ada pembunuhan, masih ada pemerkosaan, masih ada orang mabuk-mabukan, masih ada orang tenang-tenang berzinah, kok bisa ya....
Steven Covey mempunyai rumus 10/90, yang sepuluh itu kita tidak berdaya karena ketentuanya tidak berada di tangan kita, maksudnya kita tidak mampu merubah yang 10 %, namun yang 90 % itu terserah kita, terserah pilihan kita, terserah kita mau kemana, mau ke surga atau ke neraka.
Berarti kalau terjadi perbuatan dosa pada bulan ramadhan itu buan salah siapa-siapa, tapi salah kita sendiri yang tak mampu menahan gejolak jahat yang menguasai kita.
Maka dari itu kita harus memperanyak doa dan istghfar agar kita mampu mengendalikan nafsu kita. Amien
Kalau memang demikian kenapa juga msih ada pembunuhan, masih ada pemerkosaan, masih ada orang mabuk-mabukan, masih ada orang tenang-tenang berzinah, kok bisa ya....
Steven Covey mempunyai rumus 10/90, yang sepuluh itu kita tidak berdaya karena ketentuanya tidak berada di tangan kita, maksudnya kita tidak mampu merubah yang 10 %, namun yang 90 % itu terserah kita, terserah pilihan kita, terserah kita mau kemana, mau ke surga atau ke neraka.
Berarti kalau terjadi perbuatan dosa pada bulan ramadhan itu buan salah siapa-siapa, tapi salah kita sendiri yang tak mampu menahan gejolak jahat yang menguasai kita.
Maka dari itu kita harus memperanyak doa dan istghfar agar kita mampu mengendalikan nafsu kita. Amien
Senin, 23 Juni 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
The messenger of God (peace be upon him) said: "The Imam is assigned to lead worshippers in prayers. so he should be followed in all prayer rites and service promptly. You should follow his footsteps thoroughly. Glorify the almighty Allah, after the Imam does, kneel down when he kneels down, (not before him) say thanks to you Mighty Lord after the Imam proclaims he who praises Him:"and fall down in adoration whwn he prostate". (Hadits related by Bukhari and Muslim).
The same hadits was recorded more clearly as follows: "The Imam is bound to be followed, when he glorifies God then you have to glorify the Lord and not before, when he kneels down then you have to bow but not beforem and when he falls down in adoration, than you have to prostate and not before he does".
It is abovious threfore, that all acts of worshipers in prayers should be carried out after the Imam and not before or with him. We should avoid prayer race which is taboo in Islam as indicated in the following warning by the Holly Prophet (peace be upon him) who was quoted as having said :"does anyone of you not fear when he gets up before Imam doesm that God may change his head to that of dongkey or confert his shape altogether to that of a dongkey".
As reported by Anas, The Apostle also said:" O people I am your Imam so avoid going ahead of me in bowing, in prostation, in rising in sitting down and in salutation at the case of the payers". (Recorded by Muslim)
I hope this article is usefull for everybody
Ichsan The Writer of 99 Quantum Working.
Kamis, 05 Juni 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compasionate The Mercifull
It is obvious that worshipper with sound mind being well aware of the virtues and benefits of the group Friday Prayer as well as the reward promised by God to his servants, notwithsatnding the 100.000 fold award for each Raka'at the Sacred Mosque (Al-Haram), is soo keen to attend the group prayers. This competitive state usually creates over crowding conditions for prayers in a manner that lacks adequate room for worshippers at the Holy Mosque.
In this respect, the Great Chaliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (God Blessed Him) stated in a public address in Medina that Muslims should prostate on the backs of worshippers in event of an overcrowd. He said :
"The Messenger of God had built up the Mosque (The Prophet Mosque) while we were here with both the Immigrants and Suppoters (Mahagireen and Ansaar, natives of Yathrib) taking part in this action. In the event of aserious oversrowd, you have to prostate on the backs of men infront of you". He laer saw people praying on the road outside the Holy Mosque and ordered them to get inside and finish off prayers.
I hope this article is usefull
Selasa, 06 Mei 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate Tne Mercifull
May God Bless you, you are all Indonesian SMP/SMU Student, I hope you are all seccess in UN (Unjian Nasional), I hope you to study hard, because The UN (Unjia Nasional) is not easy but if you ask to your God and Staudy hard to prepare The SMU/SMP Examonation, God Willing you will Success.
After you success you must prepare to regist in Indonesia Faforit University, but remember the university is just one way to get success, The important you must study hard and you can aplicate you science to your self and your Enviroment.
If you heve science but you can not aplicate your life skill, you will fall in your life.
The Important is praying and work hard or study hard.
Kamis, 01 Mei 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Wow! its wonderfull, if we go away arround the Central Java Province, for exemple if we go to Temanggung City, we can see a lot of Picture of Candidate The Central Java Governor.
When I go to Pekalongan I can see again The picture of Candidate The Central Java Governor.
and When I go to Banjar Negara to promote The IAIN Walisongo Student Registration in Pop radio, I see alot of picture of Candidate The Central Java too.
But I hope to the Central Java Passanger we must choose the right governor candidate, we must choose (pilih saja gubernor yang adil, jujur, amanah, tidak neko neko, memiliki emphati terhadap masyarakat, dekat pada Allah, tidak enaknya sendiri) This the good Caracter in Central Java Province.
Ok may God Bless us
posted by ichsan 99 Quantum Working writer.
Selasa, 25 Maret 2008
Kamis, 13 Maret 2008
Rabu, 12 Maret 2008
Selasa, 11 Maret 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Everybody have a hobby because hobby can make our live rest and forget the daily jobs, after we go home, we can use our rest time to grow our hobby. I ever hear the China person, he said to me :"we must able to creat a lot of earning from our hobby". yaeh! and one of the hobby is flower arrange, and we can see a lot of fower by click here.
Senin, 10 Maret 2008
Well, well good luck Casey Stone, you win in this year, in this year you are better than at 2007 years. in Jerez circuit, Spanyol you bring Ducati better than last year. Do you want to know about The Ducati Hero of the years please click here. (Keunggulan Stoner di depan Valentino Rossi yang membuntutinya mencapai 1,3 detik lebih).

In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Wow, do you like shopping?
if you go to Indonesia do not forget visit the Semarang City Supermarket, and you can buy Semarang Special Snack my mean in "Bakpia". and visit please to Simpamh Lima Street, or Pahlawan Street, or tugu muda. You can lost your stress.
Well, well, well
Minggu, 09 Maret 2008
Rabu, 05 Maret 2008
Selasa, 04 Maret 2008

In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
The Old Building is exs Nederland Arny Base Camp In Bantir Semarang city Indonesia, this building under the Beatufull Ungaran Montain, arround the building is peace and cool and near the montain we can find the recreation place, what is this? This is the Bandungan village.
Minggu, 02 Maret 2008
Rabu, 27 Februari 2008
Selasa, 26 Februari 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
A Muslim may not be able through life obligation or forcible excuse not to report early to the mosque for Friday parayers, so he arrives late to catch the Imam only at the moment of the bow, the prostation or at the Tashahod. What shall he do in this case-shall he partake the friday Prayers, or perform the usual noon prayers?
Most of the well versed men of Sharia are of the opinion that anybody catching one bow (out of two) with the Imam on Friday should add to the bow followed with the Imam another one and his friday prayer will be complete, hence the Raka'a is deemed valid by the keening down and not after it. The Friday Prayer consists or two bows only.
Senin, 25 Februari 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Whereas the ensuing benefits of the Muslim attending the Friday congregation are to hear the speech and to follow with interest the advices and lessons addressed to him therein, Islam has banned personal conversations causing disturbance to others listening to the speech the Imam carries out the sermon.
It was related that Ibn Abass (God Blessed him) reported that the Messenger of God said:
"He who chats while the Imam delivered his speech is like a donkey carriying tomes! and he who asks hhis neighbour (while the Imam preaches) to listen to the speech will miss Friday credit." (incomplete Friday Prayer Reward).
Abdullah Ibn Umar (God Blessed him) comfirmed a further Hadits by the Prophet (upon whom may be peace) saying :
"Three categories of man usually attend the friday Prayer : The first group consisting of those who keep talking nonsense and so shall they reap, the second comprissing those who keep praying for favours from God while the Imam is delivering his speech that shall be subject to God's will to answer their calls or not, and the third group composing of those who keep paying full attention and sillence and who never overstep a Muslim's neck or harm anybody and that shall be an expiation for their Sins untuil next Friday plus a three day reward, expiation of Sins for ten day. This is in compiliance with this Sign of The Holly Qur'an :
"Man jaa bi al-hasanati falahu 'asyru amtsaliha"
Reported by Ahmad and Abu Dawood (God blessed them) with good attribution.
Posted by Ichsanuddin Kusumadi the writer of 99 Quantum Working
Minggu, 24 Februari 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Since Islam distinguished Friday from other days and given it a prominent position being the most preferable to God, it is the prime duty of Muslims to attend the grroup prayers held on this day in compliance with the preceps of God as realed in the following verse of the Holy Qur'an :
"Ya ayyuha al-ladzina amanu idza nudiya li ash-shalati min yaumi al-jumu'ati fas'au ila dzikrillahi, wa dzaru al-baia dzalikum khairullakum inkuntum ta'lamun"
It was related by Abi Hurairah and Abdullah Ibn Mas'uud (God blessed them) that a verse warning and horrible Threat was addressed by the Apostle in speech from a public forum to those who fail to attend the Friday Prayer, In the Following Hadits :
"People who are in the habbit of absenting themselves from friday Prayers should refain from doing so, otherwise, God will seal their hearts and mark them as heedless."
(This Hadis was endorsed by Muslim and other Hadits Recorder).
(Posted by Ichsanuddin Kusumadi the writer of 99 Quantum Working)
Rabu, 20 Februari 2008
Poem Earning
Dear Internet maniac in the world?
Do you want to get earning in internet?
I know your answer is yes!
but the free is nothing
because nothing free in the world
We are have a lot of experience
experience to open the internet
experience to click a lot of situs
but can not get something usefully
and can not get something meeningfully
Ok we must use our brain
to study this site to get earning
This is The Way To Succes to get earning :
- The first, yuo must register yourself to or, warning, dont say to someone your passphrase (password), because you can lost your earning, but you can give your e-gold number to all the world, and we can ask and register our e-gold number.
- The second, you must register your e-gold number to, ok this way is easy and easy, and you just click and clic and click get your eaning, ok may God Bless You.
- Remember, if we have a lot of Dollar dont forget to the poor people to give 10% from our earning, and we can help every body with our Dollar, Ok good luck.
Senin, 18 Februari 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
Al-hamdulillah my first book was pablished
99 Quantum Working by Ichsanuddin Kusumadi
Rizki Putra Pablisher
Central Java
99 Quantum Working edition, first published in December 2007, published in Semarang Central Java Indonesia. Manufactured in Semarang Rizki Putra Publication, Semarang Central Java Inconesia.
This edition of Ichsanuddin Kusumadi's recent produced in the hope that it may prove interesting to readers, and especilly that it may be of service to younger students commencing to study the subject which dealt with in the following pages.His best thanks are due to accomplished author, for his kindness.
Best Regard
Ichsanuddin Kusumadi
IAIN Walisongo Semarang
Central Java
Kamis, 14 Februari 2008
In The name Of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
It is also advisable that all free resident adults should appear in their best clean dress on this Day of Assembly, and use parfume before attending the congregations. One Should do his best to be as close as possible to the preacher in order to comprehend fully the sermon and act according to directives.
The verenable Companion (Sahabi) Salman El-Farisi (God Blessed HIm) related that the Apostle (upon whom may be peace) said :" if any of you prepares himself for prayers on Friday by bathing properly to clean his body as much as possible, having his hair cut, using parfumes, reporting promptly to the Mosque, avoiding to beseat him self through the sepration of two worshipers, praying voluntarily until the Imam goes up to the platform to deliver his sermon, then hearing the Khotbah, God Would forgive all the sins be committed between this friday and the next Friday."
The above Hadits was endorsed by Imam Ahmad and Al-Bukhari.
Selasa, 12 Februari 2008
Get earning with my poom :
In the Name Of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
My Usefull Poem
Dear all people in the World
Do yuo don't be happy if recieve much money
It is Wonderfull if you don't be happy to recieve
much money
much Dollar
much Euro
Much Rupee
ha ha ha ha
may be you think if in the world nothing free
But you can try
try and try
if you succes
please give 21/2 % to the poor people
God willing you will get a lot of welfare
This The Way to Succes to get Money
1). Make an easy blog with : , but you can write a blog with Engelish Language, or China or Arabic Language. Please post something meeningfull, and don't post the Pornografie because prohibited all religion in the World
2). Please click if you the cleverman and you can use your brain you will know how to get dollar.
Kejayaan Eropa Barat dan Amerika sebenarnya baru saja muncul, bila dibandingkan dengan kejayaan negeri-negeri muslim, salah satunya mengenai penerapan sistem ekonomi pasar, sebagaimana Adiwarman menjelaskan sebuah buku yang berjudul The Making of Economic Society karya Robert l. Heibroner.
Menurut beliau bahwa, yang mendorong munculnya msyarakat pasar di Eropa, antara lain adalah :
Pedagang Keliling, berbagai bahasa bisa dipelajari, berbagai jenis kain yang terkenal bisa didapat pari mereka, mereka berjalan sangat jauh bahkan ada yang dari Arab dan juga India, walaupun pedagang adalah golongan yang diremehkan namun tanpa kehadiran mereka, kehidupan abad pertenghan akansangat membosankan.
Urbanisasi, dampak dari para pedagang yang istirahat adalah terbentuknya kota-kota baru, yang muncul karena banyaknya para pedagang keliling.
Perang Salib, perang ini mempertemukan dua budaya bangsa yang sangat berbeda, yaitu bertemunya masyarakat Eropa yang lamban, enggan terhadap perdagangan dan pendapatnya yang naif tentang dunia usaha, bertemu dengan masyarakat Byzantium yang gemerlapan, dengan vitalitas perkotaannya, bebas mencari uang dengan cara berdagang. Perang Salib menduduki peranan penting dalam sehingga mempercepat transformasi perekonomian Eropa.
Perubahan Pemahaman Agama, John Calvin (1509-1564), memunculkan pandangan yang dinamis tentang agama, seperti menganggur adalah dosa besar, sebagaimana dikatakan oleh Benyamin Franklin pengikut mazhab Calvinisme. Kaitannya dengan Calvinisme, saya sebagai pemilik blog ini, pernah membuat Thesis yang berjudul Calvinisme dan Asy’ariyah (Sebuah Perbandingan Etika Ekonomi)
Semoga sejarah ini mampu membangkitkan semangat creativitas setiap orang, agar tidak bermalas-malasan dalam bekerja.
Senin, 21 Januari 2008
In The Name Of Allah The Compassionate Of Mercifull
Dear Socaable Muslim
Islam is a social religion, giving due attention to community affairs and providing opportunities to Muslims to come together and meet daily, weekly and annually.
The Daily meeting takes place at Mosques for group prayers and inspection of Islamic Family affairs in the neighbourhoods. The weekly meeting is held every Friday, the weekly holiday, at midday on the mass congregational prayers in major Mosques of various towns. PEople from all over the respective town assemble at mosques to hear the sermongiving them Islamic guidance and advice to follow the precepts of God and to avoid disgraceful deeds.
Friday is the most favourable day of the week as described by Al-Musthafa (peace be upon him) who said :
" Friday is a masterday considered by the God Almighty as much greater than the Fitr and Adha Days. In Friday there a certain hour when the Lord respond to calls for requests and favours by His servants provided they are not taboo, such as the call for God,s help to assist in the commitment of sins. Unconfirmed report says that the specific hour is the close of the day.
The wisdom behind the non-disclosure of this hour is to involve Muslims throughout the day in absolute concentration on worship and on sending increased blessings ang greetings to our prophet (peace be upon him).
The Holy Prophet advised us to pray for him on friday as much as possible in order to gain the special reward reserved for those who send increased blessing and greetings on this remarkable day. He said "Pray for me as much as possible on Friday by Day and Night."
to be continued....
Minggu, 20 Januari 2008
In The Name Of The Compasionate The Mercifull
Lies in the threat, fear, and warning directed by the apostle to those fail to attend the regular group prayers at the Mosque. The Holy Prophet, Peace upon him, said :
" By He Who is beholding my, soul, ti was my intention to order a quantity of wood to be cu, tnstruct the Mu'azin to Call prayers, to assign a man to lead prayers, then to panish the absentees (in the related attribution) by burning their houses". This was confirmed unanimously by Hadits Recorders Our Prophet (God blessed and Offered him Mercy) didi not resort to such threats except o very serious matters.
In the further Hadis related by Aby Darda (God Blessed Him) the Messenger of God (upon whom may be peace) was quoted as having said:
"In a team of every three men in a village, a group prayer should be held no matter how remote, unless they are controlled by Satan. Stick firmly on worship in groups, as the wolf usually hunts goats scattered away in isolation."
Gruop Prayers cocern men alone. As for women, it is better for them to pray at home in order to avoid sexual appeal and attraction to men.
Our prophet advised women as follows :
"Your prayer at your room is beter than that at your people's Mosque, and prayer in your peoples is better than that in a common mosque."
Preference is, therefore, given to the individual prayer af a woman at home.
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