Rabu, 04 Agustus 2010


Ichsanuddin Kusumadi (99 Quantum Working)

Charles W McCoy, Jr write a motivation book "Why Didn't I Think of That?"
Consist 8 principles:

1. Why didn't I see that?
2. Why didn't I concentrate on that?
3. Why didn't I catch that?
4. Why didn't I realize that?
5. Why didn't I come up with that?
6. Why didn't I sense that?
7. Why didn't I appreciate that?
8. Why didn't I anticipate that?

If you want to success please read this book carefully
Kata Craig Hicman penulis buku An Innovator's
Buku Charles W McCoy, Jr, merupakan buku dahsyat untuk meluruskan bias-bias yang telah mendarah mendaging dalam cara anda berpikir, dan melepaskan jerat tali yang mengikat imajinasi anda.

Pamela Gilberd penulis buku The Eleven Commandements of Wildly Successful Women mengatakan buku Buku Charles W McCoy, Jr,bukan hanya menyingkap betapa para pemikir briliant mampu membuat keputusan-keputusan yang menggetarkan dan menjangkau luas, tapi juga menjawab problem-problem tentang cara berpikir efektif dan mempesona guna menajamkan proses berpikir bagi pembacanya".

Rabu, 31 Maret 2010


Guru dan dosen adalah manager ilmu dan keterampilan, mereka memiliki tempat terhormat di tengah masyarakat, mereka membawa pelita penerang bagi generasi selanjutnya, harapan masyarakat kepada para guru dan dosen bukan hanya sebatas agen ilmu dan keterampilan, zaman sekarang banyak orang pandai begitu, banyak orang bisa mengajar, namun sedikit sekali guru atau dosen yang mampu menjadi uswah hasanah (teladan yang baik). Orang jawa sering mengartikan kata guru, sebagai singkatan dari digugu dan ditiru. Digugu berarti diikuti segala perkataannya), dan ditiru berarti tingkah laku sehari-harinya akan menjadi panutan masyarakat luas. Jadi seorang guru harus memiliki wawasan keilmuan yang luas dan harus memiliki tingkah laku yang baik, karena keteladanan hidup sehari-hari juga akan ditiru oleh masyarakat luas. Zaman sekarang seorang guru atau dosen harus memiliki sertifikasi, sebagai bukti bahwa seorang guru atau dosen sudah memikili persyaratan-persyaratan yang memadai. Guru dan dosen yang telah memilki sertifikat professional menyandang tanggung jawab yang amat

Berikut ini adalah rangkuman tanggung jawab guru dari berbagai sumber baik dari buku maupun dari internet.
• Bersyukur pada Allah SWT.
• Ingat amanah Allah SWT
• Mau mengajar dan mau menjadi “uswah hasanah”
• Guru dan dosen yang telah memperoleh sertifikasi professional menyandang tanggung jawab yang amat berat yaitu harus mampu mendongkrak mutu pendidikan nasional yang sampai pada saat ini masih berada di leverl rendah.
• Sertifikat sebagai guru profesional harus dibuktikan dengan kerja yang professional (syaiful64.wordpress.com)
• Gaji yang banyak (tambahan satu kali lipat gaji pokok) harus diimbangi dengan etos kerja yang sepadan.
• Gaji yang besar bertujuan agar tidak mendua ketika melaksanakan pekerjaannya, atau jangan sampai profesi guru justeru dianak tirikan.
• Kenaikan gaji 100% sebaiknya diimbangi dengan 100% peningkatan peningktan kompetensi, dedikasi,dan prestasi. (syaiful64.wordpress.com)
• Syarat menyandang sebagai guru professional itu sangat berat, misalnya memiliki bakat, minat, panggilan jiwa, dan idealisme, memiliki komitmen untuk meningkatkan mutu pendidikan, keimanan, ketaqwaan, akhlak mulia, memilikin kualifikasi akademik, latar belakang pendidikan sesuai dengan bidang tugas, memiliki kompetensi yang diperlukan sesuai bidang tugas, dan bertanggung jawab atas pelaksanaan tugas keprofesionalannya. (syaiful64.wordpress.com)
• Guru dan dosen sebagai tenaga professional bertujuan untuk : melaksanakan system pendidikan nasional dan melaksanakan tujuan pendidikan nasional yaitu berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertaqwa kepada Allah SWT berakhlak mulia, sehat jasmani rohani, berilmu tinggi, cakap, kreatif, setia menjadi warga negara serta bertanggung jawab atas tujuan Pendidikan Nasional.
• Historically, teachers have been viewed as purveyors of content knowledge and academic skills, but teachers in the early twenty-first century have also become ambassadors to multicultural communities and promulgators of democracy. (Secara historis, guru telah dipandang sebagai pemasok konten pengetahuan dan keterampilan akademik, tetapi guru-guru di awal abad dua puluh satu juga telah menjadi duta besar multikultural promulgators masyarakat dan demokrasi). (education.stateuniversity.com)
• Conventionally viewed as dispensers of knowledge, teachers are increasingly perceived as facilitators or managers of knowledge. Dispenser konvensional dipandang sebagai pengetahuan, guru semakin dianggap sebagai fasilitator atau manajer pengetahuan. (education.stateuniversity.com)
• Tanggung jawab para guru dan unsur pendidikan lainnya bukan hanya sekedar mengajar atau memajukan dunia pendidikan di sekolah tempatnya bertugas, tetapi juga bertanggung jawab untuk mengajak masyarakat di sekitarnya masing-masing agar ikut berpartisipasi dalam memajukan dunia pendidikan di wilayahnya. (banjarkab.go.id).
• Menjalankan tugas guru dengan sebaik-baiknya yang disertai dengan keikhlasan hati dalam mengemban amanah yang diberikan.
• Seorang guru bertanggung jaweab untuk terus giat belajar agar berpengetahuan luas, menguasai IT, sebab kalau tidak justeru akan ketinggalan informasi oleh para siswanya, sebagaimana dijelaskan dalam education.stateuniversity.com: Few modern teachers would try to claim intellectual hegemony in the classroom; such a claim would not stand the challenge of increasingly sophisticated students. There is too much to know and too many sources of knowledge outside the classroom that can easily be brought to bear within school walls by students themselves. (Hanya sedikit guru modern akan mencoba mengklaim hegemoni intelektual di dalam kelas; klaim seperti itu tidak akan tahan dengan tantangan yang semakin canggih siswa. Ada terlalu banyak untuk mengetahui dan terlalu banyak sumber pengetahuan di luar kelas yang dapat dengan mudah dibawa untuk menanggung dalam dinding sekolah oleh siswa sendiri).
• Seorang guru harus mampu mengajarkan ilmu dan mengajarkan bagaimana memanfaatkannya, sebagaiamana dijelaskan dalam education.stateuniversity.com : Teachers teach, of course, but they do not simply dispense information to their students. Teachers are also intellectual leaders who create opportunities for students to demonstrate what they know and what they know how to do. (Guru mengajar, tentu saja, tapi mereka tidak hanya membagikan informasi kepada siswa. Guru juga pemimpin intelektual yang menciptakan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk menunjukkan apa yang mereka ketahui dan apa yang mereka tahu bagaimana melakukannya.

Rabu, 03 Maret 2010



Kemarin siang saya sebagai orang Indonesia kagum, setelah membaca berita di Surat Kabar Harian Republika, ternyata banyak berkembang fasilitas-fasilkitas muslim di Denhaag Negeri Kincir Angin, misalnya rumah makan halal, bahkan ada layanan lansia Muslim.

Layanan yang telah ada di Negeri belanda yang bisa disebut Thuiszorg umumnya tidak sesuai dengan orang muslim. Maka didirikanlah layanan kesehatan yang namanya Ibnu Sina atau Avicena.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010



Lucy Liu was born and was raised with her brother John in Jackson Height, Queens, New York, by Taiwanese, immigration parents. Lucy Liu has said that she grew up in a "diverse" neighborhood. Her family spoke Mandarin at home and she did not learn English until she was five years old. Her father, Tom, was a civil engineer and her mother, Cecilia, a biochemist, but they sacrified those careers in Taiwan to come to the United States. Lucy Liu at her parents insistence, devoted her spare time to studying. She attended the Joseph Pulitzer Middle School. and She graduated from New York City's prestigious Stuyvesant Hight School in 1986. She attended New York University for one year, before transferring to the University of Michigan where she joined the chi Omega sorority and graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Asian Languages and Cultures, at one point, Lucy Liu worked as waitress in Michigan.

Lucy Liu played Alex Munday in The Charlie's Angles film, alongside established Holliwood stars Drewbarrimore and Cameron Diaz.

Rabu, 13 Januari 2010



Sandra Annette Bullock is an American actress who come to fame in the 1990s, after roles in successful films such as Speed and While You Were Sleeping. She has since established her career as well known leading Hollywood actress, with films such as Miss Congeniality and Crash, which received critical acclaim. In 2007, She was ranked as the 14th richest female celebrity with an estimated fortune of $85 million. In 2009, at the age of 45, Bullock starred in the most financially successful films of her career, The Proposal and The Blind Side also earning her dual Golden Globe nominations, one for each performance, at the 67th Golden Globe Awards in January 2010. On Wednesday, January 6, 2010, Sandra Bullock won a People Choice Awards fo Favorite Movie Actress. Her films, The Proposal, won the People's Choice Awards for Favorite Comedy Movie.

Bullock's Entrepreneur

Sandra Bullock runs her own production company, Fortis Films. Her sister, Gesine Bullock Prado, was president of the company, but has business and moved to Montpelier, Vermont, where she opened a pastry shop and published a book. Her father, John Bullock, is the compan's CEO. Bullock was an executive producer of The George Lopez Show, which garnered a lucrative syndication deal that banked her some $10 miilion. Bullock tried to produce a film based FX Toole's short story, Million Dollar Baby, but could not interest the stodios in a female boxing drama. The story was eventually adapted and directed by Clint Eastwood as the Oscar winning films, Million Dollar Baby. Bullock's production company, Fortis Films, also produced All About Steve, which was released in September 2009. (Wikipedia).

From Reuters News (Los Angles), Theater Owners name Sandra Bullock 2009's Top Star. In the eyes of U.S. movie theater owners, Sandra Bullock shined as 2009's Top's Holliwood star at the box office, as the actress nicknamed 'America's Sweetheart' scored with audiences after a two year absence from screens.

Selasa, 12 Januari 2010


The Jackson 5 signed a new contract with CBS Records in June 1975, joining the Philadelphia International Records divison, later Epic Records, and renaming themselves athe Jackson. They contiuned to tour internationally, releasing six more albums between 1976 and 1984, during wich Jackson was lead song writer, writing hits such as "Sjake Your Body (Down to the Ground)", "This Place Hotel," and "Can You Feet it".

In 1978 he started as the scarecrow in the musical, The Wiz, and it was here that he teamed up with Quincy Jones, who was arranging the film's musical score. Jones agreed to produce Jackson's next solo album, Off The Wall . In 1079, Jackson broke his nose during a complex dance routine. His subsequent minoplasty was not a complete success, he complained of breathing dificulties that would affect his career. He was referred to Dr Steven Hoefflin, who performed Jakson's second rhinoplasty and subsequent operations.

Jones and Jackson produced the Off the Wall album together. At the album's pre release party Michael, himself, stated that Little Richard had a Huge influence on him. Songfwriters for the album included Jackson, Heatwavws Rod Temperton, Stevie Wonder. And Paul Mc Cartney Released in 1979, it was the first album to generate four U.S top hits, including the chart topping singles 'Don't Stop 'till You Get Enaugh' and Rock with You. It reached number three on the Billboard 200 and eventually sold over 20 million copies worldwide. In 1980 Jackson won three awards at the American Music Awards for his solo efforts. Favorite Soul/R&B Album, Favorite Male Soul/R&B Artist, and Favorite Soul /R&B Single for "Don't Stop 'TillYou Get Enough" That year, he also won Billboard Music Awards for Top Black Artist and Top Black Album and Grammy Award for Best Male R&B Vocal Performance, also for 'Don't Stop Till You Get Enough'. Despite its commercial success, Jackson felt Off The Wall sholuld have made a much bigger impact, and was determined to exceed expectations his next releasw. In 1980, he secured the highest royalty rate in the music industry: 37 percent of wholesale album profit.

Kamis, 07 Januari 2010



Early life Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson was born August 29, 1958 as the eight of ten children in Gary, Indiana, an industrial suburb of Chicago, to an Affrican working class family. His Mother, Katherine Esther Scruse, was a devout Jehovah's Witness, and his father, joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson, a steel mill worker who performed with an R&B band called The Falcons. Jackson had three sisters: Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet, and six brothers: Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, Brandon (Marlon's twin brother, who died shortly after birth) and Randy.

Michael Jackson first spoke openly about his childhood abuse in an interview with oprah Winfrey broadcast on Pebruary 10, 1993 live from around the world. He admited that he had often cried from loneliness and would sometimes even vomit when he saw his father. In an interview with Martin Bashir, later included in the 2003 broadcast of living with Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson acknowledged that his father hurt him when he was child, but was nonetheless a "genius". When Bshir dismissed the positive remark and continued asking about beating, Jackson put his hand over his face and objected to the questions. He recalled that Michael Joseph sat in a chair with a belt in his hand as he and his siblings rehearsed, and that if you didn't do it the right way, he would tear you up, really get you.

He showed talent early in his life, performing in front of classmates during a Christmas recital in kindergarten. In 1964, he and Marlon joined the Jackson 5- a band formed by brothers Jackie,
Tito, Jermaine as backup musicians playing congas and tambourine. Jackson later began performing backup vocals and dancing: at the age of eight, he and Jermaine assumed lead vocals, and the group's name whas changed to the Jackson 5. The band toured the Midwest extensively from 1966 to 1968, frequently performing at a string of black clubs known aas the citlin circuit, where the often opened stripteases and other adult acts. In 1966, they won a major talent show with renditions of Motown hits and James Brown's "I Got You (I feeel ood)" led by Michael.

Senin, 04 Januari 2010



Thank very much Gus Dur
and be Happy in Heaven
Many Chairman of Indonesian Religions from Budha, Hindhu, Kristen, Catolic, Kong Huchu said: You are the true Pluralist

(Nahdhatul Ulama) NU is the big Islamic Organization in Indonesia, by this time many viewed NU as stagnant organization. After careful discussion, The Religious advisory council finally formed s term of seven (which included Abdurahman Wahid) to tackle the issue reform and to help revitalize NU. For some members of NU, reform in the organization involved a change of ledership. On 2 May 1982, a group of hight rangking NU officiala met with Nu Chairman Idham Chalid and asked for his resignation. Idham, who had guided NU in the transition from Sukarno to Suharto resisted at first but bowed down to pressure. On 6 May 1982. Abdurahman Wahid heard of Idham's decision to resign and approached him saying that the demands being made for him to resign were unconstitutional. With urging from Abdurahman Wahid, Idham withdrew his resignation and Abdurahman Wahid, together with the team of Seven was able to negotiate a compromise between Idham Chalid and those who had asked for his resignation. In 1983, Suharto President was re elected to a fourth term as President by the people's Cosultative Assembly (MPR) and began taking steps to establish Pancasila as the state Ideology. From June 1983 to Oktober 1983, Abdurahman Wahid became part of team which was commissioned to prepare NU's response to this issue. Abdurahman Wahid consulted texts such as the Qur'an and Sunnah for Justification and finally, in October 1983, concluded that NU should accept Pancasila as State Ideology. To further revitalize NU, Abdurahman Wahid was also succesful in securing its withdrawal from Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) and Party politics. This was done so that, NU can focus on social matters instead of hampering itself by being involved in politics.

Gus Dur in memorian
I Hope This Article is usefull
This inspiration from wikipedia

Minggu, 03 Januari 2010


My Poetry to Gus Dur
Gus Dur you are my 4th President of Indonesia
Gus Dur you are born in Jombang east Java at 7 September 1949
and You meet yor God (death) at 30 Desember 2009, your aged 69
I hope you be happy in heaven

Gus Dur your Religion is Islam
Gus Dur your Political Party is National Awakeneing Party
your wife is Shinta Nuriyah
and your website is www.gusdur.net

In 1994 Abdurrahman wahid moved from Jombang to Jakarta where his father was infolved with the Consultative Council of Indonesian Muslim (Masyumi), an organization established by Imperial Japanese Army which accupaied Indonesia at the time. After the Indonesia declaration of Independence on 17 August 1945, Abdurrahman Wahid moved to Jombang and remained there during the fight for independence from the Netherlands during the Indonesian National Revolution. At The end of the war in 1949, Abdurahman Wahid moved to Jakarta as his father had recieved appointment as Minister of Religious Affairs. Abdurahman Wahid went about his education in Jakarta, going to KRIS Primary School before moving to Matraman Perwari Primary School.

Abdurrahman Wahid in 1954 began Junior High Shool. That year, he failed to graduate to the next year and was forced to repeat. His mother then made the decision to send Abdurahman Wahid to Gudeg's City Yogyakarta to continue his education. Abdirahman Wahid moved to magealang to begin Muslim education at Pondok Pesantren Tegalrejo Magelang. Abdurahman wahid in 1959 moved back to Jombang city to Pondok Pesantren Tambakberas. There while continuing his own education.

Abdurahman Wahid in 1963 received a sholarship from the ministry of Religious Affair to study at Al_Azhar Univercity in Cairo, Egypt. He left for egypt in November 1963.

Abdurahman Wahid spent 1964 enjoying life in Egypt, Watching European and American movies as well idulging in his hobby of watching foot ball.

After Abdurahman Wahid completing his education at the University of Baghdad in 1970. he went to netherlands to continue his education. He wanted to attend Leiden University but was disappointed as there was little recognition for the studies that he hed done at the University of Baghdad. From the Netherlands, Wahid went to Germany and Frence before going back to Indonesia in 1974

Abdurahman Wahid returned to Jakarta expecting that in a year,s time, he would be abroad again to study at Mc Gill University in Canada. He kept himself busy by joining the Institute for Economic and social Research, EDucation and information (LP3ES), an organization which consisted of intelectuals with progressive Muslims and social democratic views.

Abdurrahman Wahid continued his Career as a journalist, writing for magazine Tempo and Kompas newspaper. His Articles were well recieved and he began to develop a reputation as a social commentator. Abdurrahman Wahid's popularity was such that at this time, he was invited along to give lectures and seminars, forcing him to travel back and forth between Jakarta and Jombang.

I hope this little article is usefull.
This Inspiration from wikipedia