Senin, 23 Juni 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compassionate The Mercifull
The messenger of God (peace be upon him) said: "The Imam is assigned to lead worshippers in prayers. so he should be followed in all prayer rites and service promptly. You should follow his footsteps thoroughly. Glorify the almighty Allah, after the Imam does, kneel down when he kneels down, (not before him) say thanks to you Mighty Lord after the Imam proclaims he who praises Him:"and fall down in adoration whwn he prostate". (Hadits related by Bukhari and Muslim).
The same hadits was recorded more clearly as follows: "The Imam is bound to be followed, when he glorifies God then you have to glorify the Lord and not before, when he kneels down then you have to bow but not beforem and when he falls down in adoration, than you have to prostate and not before he does".
It is abovious threfore, that all acts of worshipers in prayers should be carried out after the Imam and not before or with him. We should avoid prayer race which is taboo in Islam as indicated in the following warning by the Holly Prophet (peace be upon him) who was quoted as having said :"does anyone of you not fear when he gets up before Imam doesm that God may change his head to that of dongkey or confert his shape altogether to that of a dongkey".
As reported by Anas, The Apostle also said:" O people I am your Imam so avoid going ahead of me in bowing, in prostation, in rising in sitting down and in salutation at the case of the payers". (Recorded by Muslim)
I hope this article is usefull for everybody
Ichsan The Writer of 99 Quantum Working.
Kamis, 05 Juni 2008
In The Name of Allah The Compasionate The Mercifull
It is obvious that worshipper with sound mind being well aware of the virtues and benefits of the group Friday Prayer as well as the reward promised by God to his servants, notwithsatnding the 100.000 fold award for each Raka'at the Sacred Mosque (Al-Haram), is soo keen to attend the group prayers. This competitive state usually creates over crowding conditions for prayers in a manner that lacks adequate room for worshippers at the Holy Mosque.
In this respect, the Great Chaliph Omar Ibn al-Khattab (God Blessed Him) stated in a public address in Medina that Muslims should prostate on the backs of worshippers in event of an overcrowd. He said :
"The Messenger of God had built up the Mosque (The Prophet Mosque) while we were here with both the Immigrants and Suppoters (Mahagireen and Ansaar, natives of Yathrib) taking part in this action. In the event of aserious oversrowd, you have to prostate on the backs of men infront of you". He laer saw people praying on the road outside the Holy Mosque and ordered them to get inside and finish off prayers.
I hope this article is usefull
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